EVENTOS / Cadastrar Evento
The 2nd Swedish Conference on Sewage Sludge Biochar 2024
17/10/2024 his time the conference is held in the Medborgarhuset in Eslöv, just north of Malmö, with a study visit to the pilot plant at the Ellinge Wastewater Treatment Plant during the last day. Testbed Ellinge organised an appreciated conference on sludge biochar last October in Malmö where 32 speakers, six companies and a total of 122 people from 14 countries participated. The conference brings together researchers, companies and other stakeholders regarding sludge pyrolysis and biochar. Most of the speakers are invited, but there is also the opportunity to register your interest in presenting your work in the field at the conference. Contact david.gustavsson@vasyd.se if you are interested
I Congresso de Sustentabilidade e Economia Circular em Sistemas de Abastecimento Público de Água
31/10/2024 A Unesp e a Sabesp promovem nos dias 31 de outubro e 1º de novembro, das 8 às 17 horas, em formato híbrido, um evento de capacitação destinado a discentes dos programas de pós-graduação e a profissionais das áreas de saneamento e meio ambiente. A programação inclui palestras e mesas redondas com especialistas nacionais e internacionais, que abordarão temas como os desafios do abastecimento público diante das mudanças climáticas, as soluções atuais e as inovações no setor.
ICSTMNT 2024: 18. International Conference on Sludge Treatment Methods and New Technologies
20/12/2024 Conference Code: 24AE12ICSTMNT001 Abstract/Full-Text Paper Submission: July 31, 2023 Notification of Acceptance/Rejection: August 30, 2023 Final Paper and Early Bird Registration: November 19, 2024 Conference Date: December 20-21, 2024