Specialised Conference on Water and Wastewater Management With Special interest to Developing Countries
Mais informações: https://iwa-network.org/events/specialised-conference-on-water-and-wastewater-management-with-special-interest-to-developing-countries/
Small water and wastewater systems for developing countries
Centralized and decentralized rural water supply systems
Solar powered micro filters for contaminated water
Low cost ground water recharging and soil stability
Strategic planning and implementation in water conservation
Sanitation solutions for rural communities
Social aspects, environmental policies and regulations
Policy guidelines for sanitary waste disposal
Vacuum sewer and gravity sewer a need of the day
Eco-solutions for wastewater treatment
Up gradation of conventional sewage treatment plant.
Nutrients removal and recovery in waste water treatment
Management of sludge from water and wastewater systems
Energy efficiency in water and wastewater systems
Biogas management and energy recovery
Recycling and reuse of grey water
Governance and monitoring of waste water discharges
Low cost waste water management
Common effluent treatment and process modeling for rural area
Selection of pipe material for small water and waste water systems
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