3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference

Local: Veneza, Itália Mais informações: https://www.iwarr2019.org/

3rd IWA Resource Recovery Conference

The overall conference theme is “Resource recovery – from concept to standard practice”. This further develops the foundational work done by the cluster, and conferences in Belgium and the USA towards embedding resource recovery as a key consideration in urban water management, which is now uder scale-up and demonstration in relevant large Horizon2020 and international Innovation Actions.

Novel technologies for resource recovery from water
Next generation resource recovery - breakthrough technologies and value added products
Implementation of resource recovery in demo and full-scale
Planning and implementation of next-generation resource recovery, wastewater treatment and sanitation infrastructure - global, regional and local perspectives
Monetization, financing and policy-making to foster resource-recovery driven circular economies
Cross sectoral links and value chains – enhancing sustainability for society
Economic, legislative, and societal opportunities and barriers

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