3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference


3rd Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference

As with previous events in the series, the conference will address a range of broad topics highlighting the role of chemistry in contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, including in developing countries.
Keynote and invited speakers, international researchers from academia, authorities and industry will communicate and share the latest developments across the following areas:
Inorganic resources
Waste reduction, waste capture and recycling
New molecules, materials and products
Organic synthesis
Renewable energy
Green and sustainable pharmacy
Environmental science and sustainable chemistry
Cleaner production
The UN Sustainable Development Goals and sustainable chemistry
Industry and sustainable chemistry
New business models
Circular economy and sustainable chemistry
Education and sustainable chemistry

Data:13 de Maio de 2018

Local: Berlin, Germany

Contato: https://www.elsevier.com/events/conferences/green-and-sustainable-chemistry-conference/about

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